Friday, August 14, 2009

The season Kicks off!

Tommrow Everton well kick off its season against Arsenal at 12:30 pm eastern time. It's a home game for everton and we hope to kick off the season right against a very tuff oppenent. There is no reason why we can't compete in the EPL this year and possibly even win it. Hoppfully myself, lol18, and lighting_strike can lead us to victory in powersoccer as well. I well do me best as co-captain and i know Lol18 and Lighting_strike feel the same way. Well let's wish our boys good luck tommrow and kick some Arsenal butt!!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Co-Captain #2

Hey all,

I know this is very late considering I have been in co-captain for a few weeks now, but I would like to introduce myself to the Everton fans so they can all get to know me better. I also suggest the other captains do the same so the fans will know you better as well. To begin, my user name is Lightning_Strike and I have been playing PS for almost 2 years. I have been very successful in this game(so far) and continue to play throughout the game until I complete all of my goals. My goals are becoming #1 in the USA, get 1,500 forum posts, become a level 99, and a new goal has been added to the list. This goal is to join the almighty --BDKAS-- clan. Currently, I am in BDKAS Juniors and am awaiting to reach the level of 60, in which I can apply and hopefully be allowed in --BDKAS--. In my spare time I like to play real soccer, as I myself think I am pretty good :P Well that's all from me for tonight.

Your buddy,